Ankle-foot Orthoses

As Podiatrists, we also provide a range of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs), but they are specific to the problems that we see routinely such as drop foot and tibialis posterior dysfunction.  Examples of the braces we supply are seen below but we are not Orthotists and, so, more complex braces and braces that extend to the knee and hip will require onward referral.  As such, if you think that ankle-foot orthoses are part of your requirements, it may be best to discuss particular problems and options with us before attending for an appointment so that we can be sure we can help.


The Silicone-Ankle-Foot Orthotic is an advanced drop foot brace designed for use in patients with permanent foot drop.  Its slim-line design and ability to be worn without shoes makes itsuperior in use in comparison to other braces on the market.  It is worn next to the skin and can be worn without shoes and even on the beach!  The brace comes in 2 different versions, one which is completely custom-made from a cast of the foot and leg and one which is off-the-shelf.  It is easy to apply and has no prominent edges meaning that, unlike other braces, there is less possibility of it rubbing and irritating the skin.  Further information on the SAFO can be found here.

Richie Brace

The Richie brace is the only AFO specifically designed for the treatment of tibialis posterior dysfunction or adult acquired flat foot.  Used earlier in the treatment of this condition, it can prevent the need for surgery when combined with an appropriate exercise and footwear regime.  Its advantage comes in being able to control the rotation of the ankle bones over the foot as well as the rotation of the foot which is specific to this condition.  The Richie brace can also be used to treat other complex problems of the foot and ankle such as chronic lateral ankle sprains, complicated, permanent drop-foot and arthritis in the rearfoot and ankle.   Further information on the Richie Brace can be found here.

Other ankle braces

It is not always the case that custom-made braces need to be used.  In less long-term and more simplistic presentations, we often use standard braces to address ligament instability or milder cases of dropfoot.

We also work closely with Physiotherapists, Neurophysiotherapists, Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Doctors to address other issues that will help with rehab and speed return to your chosen activities.
